Add Style and Personality to Any Home Garden


You can have a perfectly planted garden that you maintain with precision care, but it still won’t live up to its true potential unless you know how to add a little personality to the space. Without that personal touch, your garden will blend into the background without being noticed. Use the following tips to make your landscaping and flower beds shine.

Use Lighting to Set the Mood

Gardens are amazing during the day with their vast array of blooms and foliage, but they disappear at dusk. Allow your garden to look just as wonderful throughout the night by adding lighting. Use the garden LED Bulbs Colorado Springs landscapers depend on for all of your fixtures such as lamp posts and wall sconces. Use small solar lights to line sidewalks and driveways or as a border along the flower beds.

Bring Interest with a Pop of Color

Nothing adds beauty the way a splash of color can. Adding this pop of color to a garden is easy. Select small flowers such as inpatients in bright hues like red, pink, or coral. Scatter them throughout the existing plants. The effect is stunning. Color can also be added with landscaping rocks or deep, rich colors of mulch.

Look for Interesting Pieces to Place in the Garden

Even gardens need a focal point. A perfectly placed bird bath can instantly become your garden’s centerpiece. Add whimsy with lawn statues or yard spinners. When using a whimsical piece, stick to only one nicely constructed item. Multiple lawn ornaments in an array of designs will cause chaos in the garden. Many landscapers choose a gazing ball as a focal point. It adds color and reflects light beautifully.

Once you add lighting, a pop of color, and a few unexpected items of interest, you will have a garden with plenty of personality. Your landscaping and flower beds will stand out from the surrounding areas, and you will love how beautiful your property can be.

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