For the business world, today has been utilizing the progress of information technology that has been rapid. Application of information technology has been widely applied to companies of national and private companies. The application of this technology and information leads to changes in new habits or habits in the business field. Such as the utilization of E-Commerce as a medium of trade that uses the internet media that is currently not difficult to reach by all circles. Develop your future information technology Business with help from iturbu.
This influence gives ease and smoothness in doing business even though the business partner is in other country, this matter by using video conference or internet call which can be used at any time and do not charge anything. Such networks exist in all global industries. This influence not only affects the entrepreneurs who own the company, the influence of information technology also has a great impact on its employees. Nowadays, employees in the company no longer need to send their worksheets manually in the form of paper prints, only need to utilize email facilities that are available for free is able to send the results of its work report without being hindered by time and place.
The influence of information technology indirectly provides solutions that can help business affairs in summary and no longer need to cost so much. As for holding meetings, we currently no longer need to collect people one by one, we can take advantage of one of the features that are on the smart phone handset to conduct a flexible meeting should be somewhere and also incurred the cost is not small. The rapid development of information technology today requires modern humans to act quickly too, if we can not follow the fast movement of the development of this information technology, we can be left far behind, and the world of work and business today also require employees who can use Hardware devices and software to support all work activities. Positive impact of technology in the business world:
Creating Basis For Clients Or Customers
To get new clients or customers and create a client base is not always easy to obtain. The struggle to acquire customers must go through various ventures including careful analysis of markets, product marketing and piloting customer base. The Internet is one of the best container alternatives to serve as a base for meeting millions of people around the world. Thus to get new customers more easily with the large group on the Internet.
Product and Market Analysis
The Internet can be a good place to do marketing research because producers or companies can directly deal with the customers. Market analysis will help the company to get ideas in developing new products that suit the customer’s wants and needs. After the product was launched then the company can get feedback as much as the level of customer satisfaction with the new product. In addition, companies can also learn about competitors’ products by tracking them on the Internet. Internet users can use the information available to analyze their products and competition. This greatly affects the emergence of vacancies to search for new ideas!
Expert Advice and Assistance In Its Field
Not a few experts exist on the Internet who publish their works to be known to them to be known in general and easily accessible. Very often we get free advice and help from these experts about the problems we face. If we compare it with getting advice from consultants, then we have to pay very expensive.
Recruitment of Manpower and Supply of Jobs
Today the recruitment of labor through the Internet is increasingly favored by companies. On the Internet there are a lot of job listings and even applicants are also often promote themselves through the Internet. So that is between the needy
Workers and job seekers can meet each other on the Internet. Curriculum vitae can not only be displayed using the web but the facilities are also on the Internet such as newsgroup or usenet.
Access Information and Information Dissemination
Publishing news via the internet can be spread over other media. In terms of access to information, via the internet was much faster when compared with using fax or post. We can all access information and disseminate information from and to the world and can also make the connection interactive and direct through the computer. Interactive contact will be interesting with the use of chat and video conferencing. Access and dissemination of information through the Internet can occur cheaply and can be directly accessed over long distances.
Fast Communication and Document Delivery With Low Cost
Various facilities that exist on the internet has a lot to prove able to speed up communication with the intended person. E-mail is one example that has been used by many people to send and receive documents. Chat or video conferencing also speed up the communication made on the internet. The Internet can also be used to transfer documents online in a short time. Often found delays or fails to destination in the delivery of documents through introductory services such as mail or other service companies.