Tips for Getting Your Small Business Loan Approved

Top Tips For Getting Your Business Loan Approved | The Social Media Monthly

For small business owners in need of a loan, getting an application approved can seem as mystifying as the illusions performed in a Las Vegas magic show. But the process gets a lot easier with the right preparation and an understanding of the importance of cash flow.

A survey by the 12 regional Federal Reserve banks cited “accessing necessary credit” as the No. 1 challenge facing small businesses in 2016. That was especially true for outfits with less than $1 million in revenues; while 72% of larger companies were able to secure financing, only 45% of smaller firms could get the nod from a lender.

Getting a Bank loan business plan isn’t magic, but it does require meticulous preparation and an understanding of how bankers operate. Underwriting decisions are based on the 5 C’s of credit — capital, collateral, conditions, creditworthiness, and cash flow — and borrowers must show strength …

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The Digital Marketplace: A New Paradigm Requiring Digital Twins And Digital Trust

The Digital Marketplace: A New Paradigm Requiring Digital Twins And Digital  Trust

The Birth Of The Digital Twin

The buyer’s behavior and decision-making process is valuable information that the information intermediary collects and makes available to the sellers.

Eventually, the amount of information collected by the information intermediary about the user — especially about the potential buyer — grows to a sufficient volume to form an autonomous buyer model that is detailed enough to anticipate the buyer’s need and offers the seller the ability to predict future behavior. Learn here how to Work smarter and Grow faster with us.

Due to the rapid enhancements in AI and big data, these “digital tracks” have evolved into the digital twin. 

Think of the digital twin as a personal virtual robot that can perform actions on behalf of the real customer for all types of digital transactions, based on continuous learning of their digital behavior. This pattern is akin to the investments done through an …

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One Shockingly Common Blind Spot that Can Derail Your Company’s Cybersecurity

Region Security Guarding Ltd | LinkedIn

Few things have had such a drastic impact on workplace culture in recent years as the nearly overnight shift during the pandemic to remote work for just about every company for which such a business model was feasible. Instead of commuting into an office, a majority of employees are logging in to their jobs from home — and increasingly relying on cloud-based applications such as Google Drive or Dropbox to collaborate and get work done. Now that we’ve all gotten the hang of doing business via Zoom in our sweats, it’s unlikely that many companies will ever go back to a full-time, everyone in the office, everyday scenario. 

There is a downside to this situation, however. Reliance on cloud-based apps run on home computers and personal devices of your employees can leave your organization’s data especially vulnerable to cyber theft and corruption. People are accessing company systems using their own network …

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Mohamed Hadid Net Worth

Real Estate Mogul Mohamed Hadid on His Arab Identity, Religion & His New  Project in Egypt

Mohamed Hadid net worth: Mohamed Hadid is a high end real estate developer who has a net worth of $5 million and also CEO of Hadid Design. Read here for more Mohamed Hadid CEO Hadid Design. Mohamed Hadid is perhaps most famous for being the father of supermodels Bella and Gigi Hadid. He is also notable for being the ex-husband of Yolanda Hadid Foster, a former star of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. On a professional front, Mohamed is a well-known real estate developer known for developing several Ritz Carlton hotels and mega mansions throughout the world. 

Mohamed Hadid was born in Palestine but moved to the United States as a child with his family. Hadid initially wanted to pursue a career in art. He eventually realized there was more money in building the walls in mansions that he was trying to cover with art. He got his start …

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Business Analysis Certification Courses

Every day, people within organizations make critical decisions that impact key aspects of business operations. Deciding what products to sell, what services to offer, what to eliminate, how to approach target audiences, creating effective marketing strategies, and much more. To accomplish this successfully in today’s data-driven world, companies rely on qualified professionals who can analyze and interpret data from a business perspective to make better business decisions. 

Companies in virtually all industries, from finance and banking to insurance and software development, are actively looking for business analysts to improve their bottomline. As reported by the IIBA, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, job opportunities in business analysis are expected to grow at a rate of 14 per cent from 2018 to 2028. If you’re looking to pursue a career in this exciting field, or take your existing one to the next level, enrolling in a business analysis training course and …

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